MANOWAR Art Reproductions Available As Giclée Prints

August 18, 2010

Now you can acquire your very own stunning replicas of the of the amazing oil paintings by Ken Kelley for the legendary MANOWAR album covers. According to the band, "These reproductions taken from the original art are simply beautiful and are now available to you as giclée prints. A giclée print is, without a doubt, the next best thing to an original painting."

Giclée (from the French verb gicler meaning "to squirt, to spray") is the use of the ink-jet process for making fine-art prints (first done in the early 1990s).

The term "giclée" (or the anglicized "giclee") is frequently used to describe any high-resolution, large-format ink-jet printer output with fade-resistant dye or pigment-based inks. It is common for these printers to use between seven- and twelve-color inks.

Though originally intended for proofing, many artists and photographers use ink-jet printers as an alternative to lithography for limited editions or reproductions.

Each print is carefully protectively sprayed, then final varnished, then mounted on wood stretchers and shipped ready for framing.

From "Fighting The World" to "Magic - A Tribute To Ronnie James Dio", imagine hanging any of these classics on your wall! It will look like you own the original oil painting!

Visit The Kingdom Of Steel web site for more information.

A video message from MANOWAR bassist Joey DeMaio can be viewed below.

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